Blank Screen Problem For Compaq / HP Notebook - Repair it now!
HP DV9000 blank screen fix!
HP DV9000 blank screen fix!
Video problem BGA rework
This fix also works on the HP DV2000, DV6000 and DV9000 there are a couple more HP's with this BGA video issue. Also effected by this issue are a couple Compaq models. The Comaq Presario V3000 V6000 and a couple of the Pavilion models.
If you would like us to fix this issue for you please send the request to :
013-6316412 / / BB PIN : 21E1400F
We never charge bench fees to give you a quote!
Remember some motherboards are beyond repair and we will have to replace the motherboard. We will give you a FREE quote and its up to you if you want to repair the laptop. If you dont want us to fix the laptop just pay the return shipping.
Thank and I hope you enjoyed the video!
$59 USD For Overseas
RM100 for Malaysian
DIY Set Include :
# Jet Flame Torch
# A Set of ScrewDriver
# 2 Sets of Thermal Compound
Video problem BGA rework
This fix also works on the HP DV2000, DV6000 and DV9000 there are a couple more HP's with this BGA video issue. Also effected by this issue are a couple Compaq models. The Comaq Presario V3000 V6000 and a couple of the Pavilion models.
If you would like us to fix this issue for you please send the request to :
013-6316412 / / BB PIN : 21E1400F
We never charge bench fees to give you a quote!
Remember some motherboards are beyond repair and we will have to replace the motherboard. We will give you a FREE quote and its up to you if you want to repair the laptop. If you dont want us to fix the laptop just pay the return shipping.
Thank and I hope you enjoyed the video!
$59 USD For Overseas
RM100 for Malaysian
DIY Set Include :
# Jet Flame Torch
# A Set of ScrewDriver
# 2 Sets of Thermal Compound
Any enquiry regarding the item or etc,
can contact me via comment,
email or just give me a call (for malaysian)
can contact me via comment,
email or just give me a call (for malaysian)
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